Flying Island

Hi, I’m Dragon Fogel and I hastily threw this site together so I could have a place to keep my stuff and show it to people. More details to come eventually.

Also, here is a terrible joke I devised.

And here is a blog where I will be posting adventure updates and also posting about whatever random stuff I’m doing that I’d like to share with people.

I will also be making archives of my adventures. If you don’t know what those are, this blog post should hopefully explain it.

Swamped is about two groups of knights who live in a swamp and fight each other. It’s also about quite a bit more than that, because I’ve updated it daily for years.

Opposing Forces is a somewhat silly adventure in which I asked the audience to name two fundamental forces that oppose each other and improvised from there.

The Pointless Adventures of Nopor Puss is the first adventure I made, way back in 2008. It wrapped up in early 2009. It features Nopor Puss, the Master of Pointlessness, doing nonsensical things. Not every joke withstood the test of time, but enough of them did that I’m happy to share it here.

The Further Pointless Adventures of Nopor Puss is a sequel to the above. It has an identical premise and does not expect readers to have seen the original adventure first. This one features screenshots made in RPG Maker 2000. It is currently unfinished.

The Broken Prophecy is the story of a knight who must somehow carry on after the death of the prophesied hero.

(more to come someday, probably)